Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What have I gotten myself into?

A little over a week ago, I posted the following status on my facebook page:
"With 8 days until Christmas, I'd like to propose an idea to my friends. If I can get 26 of my friends to volunteer to donate enough food to feed a family of 4 to a local food shelter, I will train and run the Kansas City marathon. If you know me, you know I don't run, not even when I'm being chased. Let's make this holiday better for 26 families in need."

I am absolutely humbled by my very generous friends and family members. Thanks to Amy H., Kacy, Jennifer, Kurt, Patti (donated for 2 families), Mrs. Mel, Kim, Cassie, Kellie, Darcy, Cheryl, Michelle (donated for 2 families), Sissy, Angi, Katie, Amy R., Caleb, Alysia, Tom, Brad, Curtis, Erica, Tania, and Adam, I am running a marathon.

So, the journey begins. I am feeling absolutely every emotion imaginable...mainly fear. My horrific physical education memories are coming back to me. Running ... really? Why did I choose running? Why not volunteer 4o hours at a nursing home reading to sweet, 90-year-old ladies? I like to read and I like old ladies. That definitely would have been fun. So, I'm not very bright. Perhaps before I posed this idea, I should have tried running, even a run around the block. Needless to say, this is going to be quite the adventure. Hence, the blog, "Marena's Adventures." I'll use this blog to post updates on my marathon training, which begins January 1st (I'm going to buy shoes) and I'll post about other adventures that come along my way. If anything, 26 families benefited and I'm going to get some great stories out of this (and some new shoes).

1 comment:

  1. When are you going to post the blog "How to trick your Husband into training for a marathon?" Marena's adventures always result in Adam getting off of the couch. I am very proud of you, I just have to figure out how to be proud of you from the sidelines.
