Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What to do with the running medals?

I just started running in January and I'm already the proud owner of 2 medals. Who knew that getting medals when you're 31 would feel so great? I don't want to just display them in my office; I feel like the medals should be showcased Vanna White style, but how? So, I've been thinking and this is what I've come up with:
  • Wear the medals while I clean the house. Cleaning is one of my favorite hobbies (yes, you read that I correctly - I consider cleaning to be hobby) so I would get the opportunity to wear the medals on a daily basis. Medals would look great with my orange gloves and a toliet wand.
  • Every once in a while, I should wear the medal in place of my necklace. I think I would get some interesting comments, especially from the cashier at Hen House (then we could talk about something other than how much she loves bananas).
  • I could put them around Stella and Jasper's neck. It would definitely increase their coolness factor with Snickers, Batman, and Penny (some of the dogs in our neighborhood).

Yes, these are the thoughts I have while I'm on summer vacation. Always intriguing (imagine the fun conversations Adam gets to experience when he walks in the door after he's been at work all day and I've been home).

1 comment:

  1. I love the image of you wearing medals, orange gloves, and carrying a toilet wand, lots of laughing over here in IL :)
