Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chafing, Sunburn, and Blisters ... Oh, My!

I've read about the war wounds of running and now I can say that we've experienced some of them (once again, me more than Adam). Thank you, 12 mile run.

The miles are increasing quickly and continue to be a daily reminder that we are definitely training for a marathon. Only 11 more weeks to go.

We were on the trail by 6 am to beat the heat and humidity that a Kansas City summer so quickly provides. I absolutely love running on a trail ... immersed in nature, often running through shaded areas, over bridges and through tunnels, encountering other runners ... it is unbelievably beautiful and peaceful. I'm discovering that I definitely have to be in a different mindset for the long runs than I am when I'm running just 3 miles. I just have to be somewhere I love because I'm going to be seeing the scenery for a while (we average about 12 minute miles on the long runs, so that means running 12 miles has us running for about two and a half hours). For me, running on a trail provides everything I love ... it's the place I'm the happiest running. It's better for Adam if I'm in a "good" mood while we run. Actually, it's better for everybody.

Our plan was to run 6 miles out, turn around and run 6 miles back. Running out was harder than running back. When we run out, we're counting the miles from 1-6, so it often feels like it's taking awhile. I was so excited to get to the 6 mile point because, for the first time, we were going to try the GU Energy gels and chewables. Filled with Vitamin E and C, they are supposed to provide an energy boost on the long runs. It's a bit hard to open the package and run at the same time, but I loved having something to eat (I tested the chewables). Once you get past the consistency, they were relatively good. Eating while running ... sign me up ... loved it!

The run back was so much easier. It was hard to determine if it was because (a) we were headed back and that always feels good (b) the energy gels started to work (c) we were counting our miles down (as in, only 5 more to go). This sense of euphoria came over us and, from miles 6-11, I honestly believed we could conquer anything. However, once we passed mile 11, the euphoria had diminished. Completely gone. No where to be found.

By the time we finished, we were drenched in sweat from head to toe. Everything on us was wet and I mean everything. I had this lovely slime covering my body (sick thing is that I produced that slime). It wasn't until we got home that I realized I was sunburned on the back of my neck, my left toe blister grew a couple centimeters, my sock was stuck to my right toe from the fluid draining from my open toenail, and I developed 4 spots of chafing on my chest. Adam, on the other hand, only experienced one area of chafing. This whole running experience has definitely been kinder to him than me. Showers usually make me feel so much better, but my shower today was pretty excruciating. Water hitting open wounds hurts more than I ever realized. Honestly, it didn't matter much ... we had completed 12 miles and the feeling was astounding.

Wonder what our 13 mile run has in store for us. Looks like we'll find out next weekend. Oh, my!


  1. Marena, You should be so proud of your determination and perseverance! I'm sooo impressed.
    Love, Linda

  2. Thanks, Linda! None of this would be possible without Adam (I'm going to have to mention him in my post marathon award speech).
