Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Go Curtis! Go Wendy! Go Alysia!

This past week, Adam and I had three friends run the Kansas City half-marathon. As soon as we learned that they were running, we knew we had to make posters and go out and support them. Just being a part of so many races, we've discovered that it is incredibly encouraging to have someone cheer you on as you run past them.

Just after 7 am, we arrived and found our station past mile marker 7 and waited (luckily, our friends are very fast so we didn't have to wait long). From the first two runners to the last runner with the police cars behind her, we cheered and cheered. I absolutely loved it. I never even realized that I had this cheerleader inside of me (our future children should be frightened at the level of humiliation I am going to eventually provide). Many of the bibs had the names on the front so it was fun to shout out, "You're doing great, Bob." For a moment, Bob would look at me like he knew me. Yet, almost instantly, each runner had the same recognition ... they had no clue who I was. Really, it didn't matter. I may have gone there to support Curtis, Alysia, and Wendy, but, in the end, I wanted to support every runner out there (it's a seriously challenging course. Personally, I'm sticking to running long distances in flat areas like Nebraska).

It was an incredible moment to see Alysia, Wendy, and Curtis run past. Even though they came through at three different times (only minutes apart) and didn't know one another, they each looked like they were having such a great time. It's pretty cool to see friends running and to be loving it. They each finished with a phenomenal time ... quite impressive.

I may not continue running once we complete the marathon, but I'll definitely go to any race with a poster in hand and cheer on the runners.

1 comment:

  1. Go Marena and Adam! Go!! and have fun. I can't wait to see pictures.
